Do you believe that feeding your children nutritious, healthy baked foods can actually make them perform BETTER in school?
According to the book “Eating for A’s” by Alexander Schauss, Barbara Friendlander Meyer and Arnold Meyer, the quality of the food that a child eats can have a direct relationship on the following factors:
-How well they do in school.
-How alert they are.
-If they have health problems or not; both in childhood and later in life.
Your kids are what they eat! Don’t feed them junk!
Cited in their book are very scary statistics.
Did you know that…….
- Two-thirds of the 46 million school children have a cholesterol count above the desired level of 140-150.
- 40% of children ages 5-8 have at least one heart disease risk factor.
- 60% of these children suffer from either high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels.
- 1 in 3 children are either over weight or obese!
Healthy Baking Can Help Kids Thrive
If you are like most Americans, your family eats a lot of processed baked goods including; breads, cookies, muffins, cakes, granola bars, snack bars, fruit bars, biscuits, scones, coffee cake, cereal, pancakes, pop tarts, waffles, crepes, desserts, crackers and/or pizza dough to name a few.
99% of the above items if purchased from a store are made with hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, white flour (empty calories), food coloring, and are laden with chemicals.
At age 5-8 having high blood pressure, being obese or having heart problems? Do you agree there is something wrong with this picture? How can kids do well in school feeling overweight, unhealthy, sluggish and tired?
The great news is as a mom you have the power to bake HEALTHY baked treats that KIDS LOVE without sacrificing their health. This will help your kids be healthier, be more alert and do better in school and in life.
If you bake home made healthy muffins and healthy cookies using whole grains and natural sweeteners, how much of an advantage in life are you giving your kids. How much of an advantage will they have in school?
Imagine how much more alert your kids will be after eating berries with whole grain, protein packed healthy breakfast of granola or whole grain pancakes topped with 100% real maple syrup that is loaded with vitamins and minerals, VERSUS……….. pancakes made with white flour (empty calories), chemicals found in mixes, and “imitation maple syrup” that has high fructose corn syrup as the #1 ingredient!
Both kids mentioned above ate pancakes for breakfast, but one kid had a HUGE advantage at school!
Healthy baking empowers us to make nutrient rich sweet treats that taste great and help our kids do well in school and in life.
By eating whole grain baked goods, your kids will be more alert, less tired, will be satisfied longer, and will have a higher chance of success at school.