Quinoa flour is one of my favorite healthy flours. Quinoa tastes great and also adds a lightness to baked goods without using white flour. I often combine whole wheat flour and Quinoa flour to achieve a wonderful combination in my healthy baking recipes.
What is Quinoa Flour?
Quinoa flour is made by grounding up the quinoa grain; (pronounced KEEN-wah), and turning into a very fine flour that is light and airy. Quinoa flour can be ground in a flour grinder at home, it can be purchased on-line, or you can find it at almost any health food store.
Quinoa flour has a slightly sweet and nutty flour. It is gluten-free, a vegan food, and is wonderful to use when making healthy breakfast foods, healthy cookies and healthy muffins.
Quinoa Is A Complete Protein-What Is A “Complete Protein?
Basically without getting scientific, there are nine amino acids that make up all of the protein health needs of human beings. When you hear the term “incomplete protein” this just means that the food in question may have one or a few of the nine amino acids, but still require other foods to make up for the other missing amino acids.
An example of a complete protein is beans and rice. Together they make a complete protein; where on their own they do not.
Quinoa is an amazing whole grain because it provides our body with everything it needs using all nine amino acids. Wow!
Quinoa Muffins For Breakfast Give You Protein
The great news is that Quinoa provides a wonderful solution for many people who are interested in living healthy and like to eat protein in the morning. Baking muffins, pancakes and waffles using Quinoa flour is a great way to start your day off with a complete protein food. With Quinoa, you are eating something that is typically considered to be a “carb” food, yet you still get valuable protein to start your day.
Other Healthy Living Benefits Of Quinoa:
- Quinoa flour is packed with B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, iron and loads of calcium. As a matter of fact, one serving of Quinoa provides the same amount of calcium that a QUART OF MILK would.
- Quinoa also has Riboflavin (B12) in it; which studies have found a decrease migraines.
- Studies are being done to confirm that B12 also helps with energy production so you don’t feel so tired at the end of the day. Something that all moms are interested in!
- Quinoa also has manganese. This serves as an antioxidant in your body…….basically it fights off diseases like cancer.
Did you know:
- The Inca tribe fel that Quinoa was holy and the mother of all grains. They believed that Quinoa helped people live a long, healthy life.
- In studies, eating whole grains like Quinoa flour helped prevent atherosclerosis, strokes, diabetes, insulin resistance and obesity. A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recommends at least 3 servings of whole grains like Quinoa should be eaten daily.
- Wouldn’t it be nice to eat a delicious healthy Quinoa cookie or muffin to meet these living healthy requirements?Since Quinoa is one of my favorite baking flours, many of my healthy recipes use Quinoa flour. I hope you enjoy this super food as much as we do.